Why create Future Healthy?

Led by health promotion foundation VicHealth, Future Healthy is inspired by, shaped by and shared by the people of Victoria. 

Evidence shows that young people (0-25) have been greatly impacted by the events that began in 2020.

The indirect effects of COVID-19 will be intergenerational, so we must support our young people now and help foster healthier outcomes for future generations.

You Spoke

Victorians shared their lived experiences to help inform and shape solutions for a future that is healthy. Some even became Community Champions.


The Report

We distilled what we heard into a report (but you can get a top level summary on our website, too).

What you said

We Listened

We've partnered with grassroots community projects to cultivate vibrant communities where people are connected, active, enjoy wholesome food and feel great.

Such as?
Friends getting active with a walk in the park

Connecting the dots

So we're helping to shape their ideas into a reality by both funding driving projects with our partners all across the state.


Group of young people launging

Frequently asked questions

Commonly asked Future Healthy questions.