Current funding opportunities

There are no longer any funding opportunities available via Future Healthy.

Previous funding opportunities

Previous funding rounds backed projects all over Victoria. Together these projects form Future Healthy.

Future Healthy projects

There were a range of funding opportunities for eligible organisations as part of Future Healthy between 2021 to 2022. These replaced VicHealth’s previous 'Reimagining Health Grants', and were focused on improving the health and wellbeing of 0-25-year-olds:


JumpStart! is all about building vibrant communities through food, art and play. And what do you get? A whole heap of support, because we’re in this together.  

We’ll back your ideas through building your skills. We’ll connect you with like-minded leaders, share insights across communities and be sure you have the resources to make your project the best it can possibly be. 


Big Difference Grants

A major funding stream under the Future Healthy initiative, Big Difference grants are for organisations that are positioned to make a big difference to a community – whether that be in a geographic area, or for a population group. 

These grants will be a great opportunity for a range of organisations working to improve the health and wellbeing of children and young people in the areas of physical activity and sport, healthy eating and social connection. 

More details will be available closer to the open dates for each of these grant rounds. 

The Big Connect 

Our first major investment opportunity - The Big Connect - is an integrated health promotion initiative focused on boosting meaningful social connections for Victoria’s young people.  

The Big Connect

Move the Dial Investments

Move the Dial Investments will deliver major programs of work that aim to ‘move the dial on health challenges faced by young people’.

Move the Dial Investments are a unique opportunity for stakeholders working to improve physical activity and sport, healthy eating and social connection, to support new and innovative ways to improve the health and wellbeing of children and young people. 

These investments will be targeted, and we’ll be seeking organisations who can partner with us to create the biggest impact. 

Boost Victorian food hubs

Our latest Future Healthy initiative, helping you deliver affordable, nutritious food with the local flavours of your neighbourhood.  

Boost Victorian food hubs